全国翻译专业资格(水平)考试 英语三级《笔译实务》试卷发表时间:2022-11-30 15:25 全国翻译专业资格(水平)考试 英语三级《笔译实务》试卷 考试时间:180分钟 满分:100分 Section 1: English-Chinese Translation (50 points) Translate the following passage into Chinese. As icebergs in the Kayak Harbor pop and hiss while melting away,this remote Arctic town and its culture are also disappearing in a changing climate. Narsaq’s largest employer, a shrimp factory, closed a few years ago after the crustaceans fled north to cooler water. Where once there were eight commercial fishing vessels, there is now one. As a result, the population here, one of southern Greenland’s major towns, has been halved to 1,500 in just a decade. Suicides are up. “Fishing is the heart of this town,” said Hans Kaspersen, 63, a fisherman. “Lots of people have lost their livelihoods.” But even as warming temperatures are upending traditional Greenlandic life, they are also offering up intriguing new opportunities for this state of 57,000 — perhaps nowhere more so than here in Narsaq. Vast new deposits of minerals and gems are being discovered as Greenland’s massive ice cap recedes, forming the basis of a potentially lucrative mining industry. One of the world’s largest deposits of rare earth metals — essential for manufacturing cellphones, wind turbines and electric cars — sits just outside Narsaq. This could be momentous for Greenland, which has long relied on half a billion dollars a year in welfare payments from Denmark, its parent state. Mining profits could help Greenland become economically self-sufficient and render it the first sovereign nation created by global warming. “One of our goals is to obtain independence,” said Vittus Qujaukitsoq, a prominent labor union leader. But the rapid transition from a society of individual fishermen and hunters to an economy supported by corporate mining raises difficult questions. How would Greenland’s insular settlements tolerate an influx of thousands of Polish or Chinese construction workers, as has been proposed? Will mining despoil a natural environment essential to Greenland’s national identity — the whales and seals, the silent icy fjords, and mythic polar bears? Can fisherman reinvent themselves as miners? “I think mining will be the future, but this is a difficult phase,” said Jens B. Frederiksen, Greenland’s housing and infrastructure minister and a deputy premier. “It’s a plan that not everyone wants. It’s about traditions, the freedom of a boat, family professions.” The Arctic is warming even faster than other parts of the planet, and the rapidly melting ice is causing alarm among scientists about sea-level rise. In northeastern Greenland, average yearly temperature have risen 4.5 degrees in the past 15 years, and scientists predict the area could warm by 14 to 21 degrees by the end of the century. Already, winter pack ice that covers the fjords is no longer stable enough for dog sledding and snowmobile traffic in many areas. Winter fishing, essential to feeding families, is becoming hazardous or impossible. It has long been known that Greenland sat upon vast mineral lodes, and the Danish government has mapped them intermittently for decades. Niels Bohr, Denmark’s Nobel Prize-winning nuclear physicist and a member of the Manhattan Project, visited Narsaq in 1957 because of its uranium deposits. But previous attempts at mining mostly failed, proving too expensive in the inclement conditions. Now, warming has altered the equation. Greenland’s Bureau of Minerals and Petroleum, charged with managing the boom, currently has 150 active licenses for mineral exploration, up from 20 a decade ago. Altogether, companies spent $100 million exploring Greenland’s deposits last year, and several are applying for licenses to begin construction on new mines, bearing gold, iron and zinc and rare earths. There are also foreign companies exploring for offshore oil. Section 2: Chinese-English Translation (50 points) Translate the following passage into English. 中华民族历经磨难,自强不息,从未放弃对美好梦想的向往和追求。实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦是近代以来中华民族的夙愿。 在新的历史时期,中国梦的本质是国家富强、民族振兴、人民幸福。我们的奋斗目标是,到 2020 年国内生产总值和城乡居民人均收入在 2010 年基础上翻一番,全面建成小康社会。到本世纪中叶,建成富强民主文明和谐的社会主义现代化国家,实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦。 实现中国梦,必须坚持中国特色社会主义道路。我们已经在这条道路上走了 30 多年,历史证明,这是一条符合中国国情、富民强国的正确道路,我们将坚定不移地沿着这条道路走下去。 实现中国梦,必须弘扬中国精神。用以爱国主义为核心的民族精神和以改革创新为核心的时代精神振奋起全民族的“精气神”。 实现中国梦,必须凝聚中国力量。空谈误国,实干兴邦。我们要用 13 亿中国人的智慧和力量,一代又一代中国人不懈努力,把我们的国家建设好,把我们的民族发展好。 实现中国梦,必须坚持和平发展。我们将始终不渝走和平发展道路,始终不渝奉行互利共赢的开放战略,不仅致力于中国自身发展,也强调对世界的责任和贡献;不仅造福中国人民,而且造福世界人民。实现中国梦给世界带来的是和平,不是动荡;是机遇,不是威胁。 |
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